Become a sponsor today! With just a few clicks, you can change a child’s future.
The more heroes who contribute, the more vulnerable children we can help!
Read the Pay it Forward Report and learn about families in Haiti who have now received goats, hens, sheep, and seeds thanks to all of you who donated a gift to our Christmas fundraisers. A big thank you to those of you who made a difference for these vulnerable families!"
Freezing thirteen-year-old Jakob collects dead branches in the forest to have fuel for warmth. Eight-year-old Maria tries to warm herself by a Soviet stove that has been repaired with tape. The children are freezing.
In October 1991, after a mission to learn about Latvia’s needs, Star of Hope’s Mark Presson and Ann Marie Sjosvard visited in late 1990 and then approved the delivery of the first aid shipment to the country. Meet the Velkas!
As you read this, only a day remains until December 21st, the darkest day of the year. Shortly after, we will celebrate a very special birthday: the one who said, "I am the light of the world."
Become a sponsor today! With just a few clicks, you can change a child’s future.
The more heroes who contribute, the more vulnerable children we can help!
Vulnerable children and their immediate environment are at the center of Star of Hope’s work. Through our efforts, based on knowledge, experience and a big heart, the children are shaped into young adults with the tools and the will to lift themselves and their communities out of poverty and misery by their own power.
Explore the transformative power of business collaboration with Star of Hope. Learn how your corporate partnership can drive social impact globally, empowering children through education, health, and compassion. Discover opportunities to make a meaningful difference in communities worldwide. Read More